About us
bildxzug is a competent, innovative and experienced host company and partner for the successful vocational education and training of apprentices and students in a range of occupations and career paths.
Our core values
Since 1998, bildxzug has been providing the option of a networked apprenticeship in the Canton of Zug. With our support, companies provide practical training in accordance with a tried and tested model. Every year, between 30 and 40 apprentices successfully complete a networked apprenticeship with bildxzug.
Since 2025, bildxzug has been training qualified nurses within its network. This tertiary-level program was established as part of the nursing initiative in the Canton of Zug and contributes to expanding training and education capacities in the healthcare sector, while supporting healthcare institutions with qualified professionals.
We deal with changes on a daily basis because we support apprentices during important stages of their learning and development. Our partners in industry also face constant change. At bildxzug, our approach is forward-looking, dynamic, flexible and innovative.
We have connections with all key institutions involved in vocational education and training, as well as with companies from a wide range of sectors based in the Canton of Zug and the surrounding regions. This benefits apprentices and partner-companies alike. Today, we offer a broad range of exciting and diverse apprenticeship positions.

«The opportunity that we get through the apprenticeship at bildxzug is unique. We gain experience in various company environments and thus have the chance to complete our apprenticeship in large companies as well as in small and medium-sized businesses, which is very enriching, especially in an initial vocational training.»
Tobias Lau, former apprentice in mediamatics with bildxzug
Services to third parties
For over 20 years, we have been educating and training young people in commerce, mediamatics and IT. Our «Services to third parties» offer companies, organizations and external apprentices the option of benefiting from our experience and expertise.
Would you like more information or are you interested in one of our services? We look forward to your call! Our number: Telefon 041 544 77 00.
Beat Gauderon
Désirée Baschnagel Marty
Andrea Iten
Kübra Avul
Christian Schambron-Leu
Sandra Hochspach
Gabriela Sigrist
Meltem Ylberi
Manuela Degrandi
Tanja Stadelmann
Jennifer Pitton
Maddy Michelle Renggli
Melanie Schuler
Marithé Markowitsch
Marithé Markowitsch
Training supervisor and Project manager nursing professions
✆ 041 544 77 16
✉ E-Mail
Rainer Walser
Angelika Jäggi
Anna Arnold
Nicolas Schetty
Marius Zurkinden
Leonardo Semeraro
VET links
Information centres
eff-zett Beratungsstelle
Vocational schools
BBZW Berufsbildungszentrum Sursee
BZZ Bildungszentrum Zürichsee
GIBZ Gewerblich-industrielles Bildungszentrum Zug
KBZ Kaufmännisches Bildungszentrum Zug
Career choice
BIZ Berufsinformationszentrum
Lena Lehrstellennachweis Zug
way up plus Ausbildung für Maturanden
yousty LehrstellenTreffpunkt
AfB Amt für Berufsbildung
IGKG Interessegemeinschaft Kaufmännische Grundbildung
ICT BZ Verein ICT Berufsbildung Zentralschweiz
SIEC Societe Internationale L'enseignement commercial
TZF Technologie-Forum Zug
ZLV MINT Zuger Lehrbetriebsvereinigung der MINT-Berufe
ZWK Zuger Wirtschaftskammer